Awaken Young Adults Ministry - John & Steph Clements

Awaken is the young adult ministry of Cornerstone Church for anyone ages 18-28.

Thursdays @ 7:30pm

Location: Clements Home, Brick, NJ (Laurelton area)

Vision: The vision for this group is to create an intimate space for fellowship and edification for young adults in a vital transition time of their lives anchored on the word of God. The aim is to help young adults ages 18-28 grow in their walk with the Lord and learn to effectively walk in the good works the Lord has for them (Ephesians 2:10).

Each week we there will be a short teaching, prayer, and fellowship.

For more information contact John or Steph:
John’s phone: 973-796-8456, Steph’s phone: 215-264-7434